My partner's Father, and then my dear Brother.
..and I never drew either of them.
I'm just going to have to draw everyone who is dear to me. The experience of drawing and observing the living person is an intimate process of memory as practice; and I need to get that practice under way.
I keep drawing (the lovely) Ed.. and will start to invite friends and family to sit for me. I encourage anyone reading this, and who has an interest in drawing and painting, should make such a connection with their loved ones if they haven't done so already.

The lovely Ed (as usual!)
But onto other things...
Myself and my musician partner Ed and violinist Catherine Ward, along with artist Colin Merrin and poets Sam Cox (Poet Laureate of Portsmouth 2012-13), Paul Valentine and Stella Bahin created one of our evening experiences of creativity in Colin's studio - a further development from our early research into the concept of the 'mash-up' - as a way of getting cross creative and interdisciplinary work into action and into the locals!Using our various synaesthesias, we played music to paintings, whispered and performed poetry, painted and drew; we drank wine; I beat the drums and we had a great time with an invited audience. We will be doing more of this so please contact me if you would like to be on our invite list for future events.
Stella whispering poetry
Drumming to Sam's words
Drumming with Catherine
Ed playing to Colin's paintings
Those of us left at the end of the evening! (Colin's taking the photo!)
Courses over the summer.
I am about to take my summer leave from University, but will be running six one day courses at the local Forge during my break, as well as continuing my regular 'Drink and Draw' sessions at The Golden Eagle (we hope to have our first fun 'Summer Exhibition' at the Pub this year!).Here's the details of my portraiture courses:
.. and three one day sessions of this course for general arts:
Please do sign up - but places are limited.
We have the America's Cup sailing competition this week (23rd-26th July) in Portsmouth - so I aim to have a small stand at the Southsea Night Market this week with my work on show. Please do come along and say hello!
Life is short... make the most of it - get out there and do your stuff with your favourite people.. don't wait... do it now!!
This simple short post is dedicated to the memories of Jack and John - about living life to the best that you can, whilst you can.
Thanks for reading this.
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